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The Calendar view is designed to set one time or repeatable special days in a year. The view is automatically opened upon double-clicking of the component.

The Calendar view

To add an event in the calendar, use the Add button in the bottom right corner of the view; a pop-up window appears.

The Add event dialog window - Date Pattern parameters

In the Add event dialog window, it is possible to set the following parameters:

  • BACnet priority: from 1 to 16;

  • Type: type of the event;

    • Available options: Date Pattern, Date Range, Week and Day;

  • Name: allows to set a name of the event, specific to the user's requirements.

The type of event defines the data entered for each type.

For Date Pattern:

  • weekday;

  • specific day of a month;

  • specific month of a year;

  • specific year.

Each of these parameters may be left to any (Any Day, Any Month, etc.).

For Date Range:

  • Since/Until: allows to specify a beginning or end day of the event (unchecked sets the "future" value);

  • specific day, month, and year of a calendar date;

  • Repeat every year: if checked, disables the year field.

The Add event dialog window - Date Range parametrs

For Week and Day:

  • specific weekday, week, and month of the event.

The Add event dialog window - Week and Day parameters

The Clear Irrelevant button removes all event that already took place.

Please note that the events in the Calendar cannot be assigned a specific value. Specific values for these events may be set in a relevant schedule component (AnalogSchedule/BinarySchedule) by sourcing the Calendar in the Special Events view. All events in the Calendar will be then assigned with identical values if active. To assign a different type of values, create multiple Calendar components with events of corresponding types.

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