Backup Manager
The Backup Manager allows to perform and restore backups. The view is available in the Backups component in the System container.

The Backup Manager view
The following options are available in the Backup Manager:
Backup: creates a backup and saves it on the device; each next backup overwrites the last backup unless saved locally with the Download Backup option;

Backup saved on the device
Download: downloads a backup to the PC and saves it under a selected name in the iC Tool’s default backup folder (home\backup\nano EDGE ENGINE); after downloading, the backup is displayed in the Local Backups section;
While downloading a backup, it is possible to set its individual name:

Setting backup’s individual name

Backups downloaded locally
Delete: removes a backup from a selected location (PC or device);
Restore: restores a backup to the device from a selected location (PC or most current backup saved on the device).

Restoring a backup
While restoring a backup, it is possible to decide whether the configuration settings are restored from the backup too, or left as set on the device. By default, the option to restore configuration settings from a backup is unchecked.
The configuration settings include:
Rename: allows to rename a selected local backup.
The Backups component has one read-only slot:
Action: informs, which action is currently ongoing.

The Backups component’s Action slot