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Kiosk Mode

Kiosk mode: restricts a panel access to the iC SmartView application alone. Unlocking requires an admin password.

The kiosk mode settings allow to switch the kiosk mode on and off, set the admin password to unlock it, and set access to connections in the kiosk mode.

Kiosk mode settings
  • Kiosk mode: switches the kiosk mode on and off;
  • Kiosk unlock password: allows to set a password required to access settings when the kiosk mode is active;
    • Default password: password

Note: While setting the unlock password, it is required to type it twice for confirmation.

  • Allow connections management in kiosk: allows the user to add, remove, and edit connections in the kiosk mode.

Click on the below link to see the video showing how to set the kiosk mode:

Kiosk Mode.mp4

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