The ModbusAsyncNumericMultiPoint component is responsible for reading up to 8 16-bit registers from the device in one message. The component uses the 0x03 Modbus command. The component has to be placed under the ModbusAsyncDevice component.
The ModbusAsyncNumericMultiPoint component has the following slots:
- Status: shows the point’s status;
- Fault Cause: shows the fault cause description;
- Fault Status: informs about the point’s error status (true: point read error);
- Enable: enables or disables the point (true: point enabled, false: point disabled);
- Address Format: allows to set the register address format (Modbus, decimal);
- Address: allows to set the register address;
- Poll Frequency: allows to set the reading poll frequency (fast, normal, slow);
- Reg Type: allows to set the type of reading the register (input, holding);
- Data Type: allows to set the reading data type: Int (unsigned values), Sint (signed values);
- Number Of Registers: allows to set the number of registers read in one message;
- Out1-Out8: shows the current values of read registers.
The ModbusAsyncNumericMultiPoint component offers the following action, available in the context menu:
- Read: enforces reading of the point.