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The MoonPosition component calculates a current Moon’s position based on the current time. The Internet connection is not required for proper work.

MoonPosition component

The MoonPosition component has the following slots:

  • Enabled: change of the slot's value enables or disables the component—if the component becomes disabled, it stops to operate;
  • Update Period: time after which the weather data are refreshed (expressed in minutes);
  • Moon Phase: shows the current moon phase;
  • Age Days: together with the Age Hours and Age Minutes values shows the time since the last new moon in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in DD:HH:MM format, here shows the DD value);
  • Age Hours: together with the Age Days and Age Minutes values shows the time since the last new moon in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in DD:HH:MM format, here shows the HH value);
  • Age Minutes: together with the Age Days and Age Hours values shows the time since the last new moon in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in DD:HH:MM format, here shows the MM value);
  • Illumination: shows the percentage of the moon’s illumination by the sun.
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