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The DICounter component allows to reading high-speed counters of digital inputs in the controller.

DICounter component


The DICounter component has the following slots:

  • Status: shows the component’s status;
    • Available information: OK (the component is working properly), Fault (the component is disabled);
  • Fault Cause: shows the reason of the Fault status;
  • Address: allows setting an address of a physical input of the device; once the component has been added to the folder, the slot's default value is 1—for the component to operate properly, the unique address value must be set in this slot.
    • Available settings: DI1-4.
  • Out: a number of pulses on rising edge in a physical digital input of the device;
  • In: the input slot receiving a value to be counted;
  • Set Trigger: allows to activate or disactivate counting pulses on rising edge.


The DICounter component has actions available:

  • Set: allows to manually set the In slot value;
  • resetCounter: allows to reset the counter value to 0.
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