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The COV_Interval history extension is used to collect data whenever required changes has been made or at specified time intervals (whatever happens first). When the COV_Interval option is chosen in the NV component, a history COVInterval component is created under the history service, and a link with NV point Out slot will be made. For configuration settings please refer to historical components under the history service.  

WARNING! To delete or change a historical extension type, do not remove it manually from the history service. Go to the NV component, choose the None option in the history slot, and save it (extension will be deleted by the system, along with all the database settings). In order to change the type, choose the None option first, save, and after that choose the required option.

History_COV_Interval in the Property Sheet view

The component has the following slots:

  • Status: shows the history component status;
  • Enable: allows to enable or disable collecting the history logs;
  • Resv Size: allows to set the history memory reserve size;
  • Description: allows to enter a component’s description;
  • Capacity: shows the number of available history records;
  • Deadband: allows to save hysteresis;
  • Interval: allows to set the saving time interval;
  • Input: current value;
  • Last Value: shows the last saved value.
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