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AAC20 Updater

AAC20 Updater is a software designed to administer an operating system of the iSMA-B-AAC20 controller. The software is free and can be obtained from iSMA distribution partner or downloaded from the iSMA CONTROLLI website: The software allows to perform the following actions:

  • Send File: sends a file to the device, displays the transfer progress bar at the bottom of the window, correct transfer is confirmed with a message "Transfer complete";
  • Reload Firmware: uploads a firmware file–this operation must be preceded by a transfer of an adequate firmware files to the device. Upon update, the device shall be rebooted;
  • Device Reboot: reboots the device;
  • Default Settings: sets default values of IP address, RS485 parameters, and platform password;
  • Console: displays the operating system console.

AAC20 Updater communicates with the device in two ways:

  • Modbus TCP: using the Ethernet port;
  • Modbus RTU: using the RS485 port–this type of communication requires the device to be in the bootloader mode.

The software allows to connect using the IP connection, RS485 port, or USB A-to-A cable connection (USB only for power supply or/and diagnostic to read console).

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