Component applicable for the LP, Touch Point, Control Point, and FP panels.
The TemperatureSensor component is responsible for reading values and configuration of the temperature sensor in the panel.

TemperatureSensor component
The TemperatureSensor component has the following slots:
Status: shows the component’s status;
Fault Cause: shows the fault cause description;
Fault Status: informs about the point error status (true: point read/write error);
Enable: enables or disables the component (true: enabled, false: disabled);
Poll Frequency: allows to set the reading poll frequency (fast, normal, slow);
Displaying Mode: allows to set the displaying mode (RealValue: the output value is divided by 10; RegisterValue: the value is taken directly from the register);
Out: the temperature sensor value output slot;
Display Name: allows to set the temperature sensor display name on the LCD display (up to 4 characters, only ASCII characters, only for the LP panel);
Visibility: activates or inactivates the sensor value on the display;
Decimal Point: allows to set the display of the decimal point (inactive or displays decimal point on first, second, or third position; only for the LP panel);
Sensor Offset: sets the temperature sensor offset value;
Sensor Filter: sets the temperature sensor reading filter time in seconds;
Config Trigger: on rising edge sends configuration parameters to the device components (Display Name, Visibility, Decimal Point, Sensor Offset, Sensor Filter).
The TemperatureSensor component has the following actions:
Read: reads the panel’s temperature sensor value and updates the Out slot;
Read Config: reads configuration parameters from the panel (Display Name, Visibility, Decimal Point, Sensor Offset, Sensor Filter);
Write Config: writes configuration parameters to the panel (Display Name, Visibility, Decimal Point, Sensor Offset, Sensor Filter).