The OutAccount component defines the e-mail server account credentials.
The OutAccount component has the following slots:
Status: component’s status, available statuses:
OK: component is working properly,
Disabled: component is disabled (the Enabled slot is in false);
Fault Cause: Fault cause description:
None: service is working properly,
Not in network: the component is not placed under the EMailService component;
Enabled: switches the component on/off;
Hostname or IP: server IP address or hostname;
Port: selection of the port;
Account: account name on the e-mail server;
Password: account password on the e-mail server;
Last Send Success: date and time of a last successful notification action;
Last Send Failure: date and time of a last unsuccessful notification action;
Connection timeout: time value which restricts maximum connection time;
Use Authentication: activation of the authentication:
True: active authentication process,
False: inactive authentication process;
Send From Name: sender’s name;
Send From Address: sender’s e-mail address;
Number Sent: quantity of sent e-mail notifications.