The EMailAlarmRecipient component defines e-mail recipients.
The EMailAlarmRecipient component has the following slots:
Status: component’s status, available statuses:
OK: component is working properly,
Disabled: component is disabled (the Enabled slot is in false);
Fault Cause: fault cause description:
Could not connect: no connection could have been established;
Timeout: the maximum connection time has been exceeded;
Some Error with Alarm Database: the Alarm Db Status slot indicates database error;
None: service is working properly;
Enabled: switches the component on/off;
To Address: first recipient’s e-mail address;
Cc Address: carbon copy recipient’s e-mail address;
Bcc Address: blind carbon copy recipient’s e-mail address;
Alarm Class To Send: restriction by alarm class:
Any (default): all alarms will be sent regardless of their classes,
Life Safety: only alarms with the Life Safety class will be sent,
Critical: only alarms with the Critical class will be sent,
Maintenance: only alarms with the Maintenance class will be sent;
Subject: subject for recipient’s message;
Source Name: source name information for the recipient’s message;
Source Path: source path information for the recipient’s message;
Update Time: date and time of the alarm event;
Value: alarm value which caused the event;
Alarm Class: alarm class information for the recipient’s message;
Alarm State: state of alarm value;
Alarm Message: additional text information for the recipient’s message;
Alarm Db Status: alarm database status information.
Note: In order to send out alarm notifications, the iSMA-B-AAC20 controller needs to be equipped with a memory SD card.